Mostar Map
Mostar page you can find the map of the Balkans is one of the most popular tourist city of Mostar detailed tourist map. You need to visit all the major sightseeing spots in the city of Mostar map is located. Most Internet you can find a map of the map, but the number will work for me very little. This seems to me to map the best I have found in my research Mostar useful for my own trip.
If you wish to visit the places in the city of Mostar page you will find information about major sightseeing spots.
Mostar Map
Places and things to do in Mostar
There are many attractions that can be visited in Mostar. The most important tourist spots in the city include:
- Mostar Bridge
- Karagöz Bey Mosque
- Muslim Bey House
- Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque
- Biscevi of House
- Old Bridge Museum
- Tara Towers
- Clock Tower
- Partisan Monument
- Kujundziluk and Tabhane
- Crooked Bridge
- Herzegovina History Museum
- Catholic Cathedral
- New Orthodox Church
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